Special Programs Office Phone Number: 254-863-5615
Records and General Program Information:
Patricia Dancer, Administrative Assistant to the Special Programs Department, Special Programs Records Clerk- pdancer@axtellisd.net
Program Supervision and Accountability Information:
Lacy Hollingsworth, Director of Special Programs- lhollingsworth@axtellisd.net
Testing/Evaluation and ARD Meetings:
DeAnn Engholm, Evaluation Specialist and WCY Sped Coordinator- Axtell JH/HS and Waco Center for Youth- dengholm@axtellisd.net
Krystal Dees, Evaluation Specialist and 504 Coordinator- Axtell Elementary- kdees@axtellisd.net
Early Childhood and Post-Secondary Transition:
Allison Farrar, Early Childhood & Post-Secondary Transition Coordinator/Transition and Employment Designee and Speech ARD Facilitator- Axtell Elementary, Axtell JH/HS, Waco Center for Youth- afarrar@axtellisd.net
Speech Therapy:
Marcia Carter, Speech/Language Pathologist- Axtell Elementary, Axtell JH/HS, and Waco Center for Youth- mcarter@axtellisd.net
Allison Farrar, Speech ARD Facilitator and Case Manager- Axtell Elementary, Axtell JH/HS, and Waco Center for Youth- afarrar@axtellisd.net