Today’s students must learn how to work both independently and collaboratively, embrace challenges, develop creative solutions to problems, and navigate technology in unprecedented, ever-changing ways. Axtell ISD offers college credit courses through a variety of options. AISD offers Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Credit (DC) courses. Students are prepped fort these rigorous offerings beginning in junior high school through our strong Honors track.

Offering include:

(AP) Literature

(AP) Language

(AP) Calculus

(H) English I and II

Advanced 8th Grade Reading

Advanced 7th grade Math

Over 24 hours of dual credit opportunities

Gifted & Talented Education

Definition of Gifted/Talented As defined by the Texas Education Agency, a gifted/talented student is a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: (1) exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area; (2) possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or (3) excels in a specific academic field. (Texas Education Code §29.121).

AISD will utilize progressive/research based instructional strategies to support gifted/talented students in developing and accomplishing their personalized academic and social emotional goals. AISD will provide gifted/talented students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning through the creation of professional quality, innovative products and performances.

See our HS G/T Academic Magazine

The Read Herd

CTE Programs of Study

Axtell ISD is dedicated to preparing its students to be ready to earn a living, contribute to society, and lead the way in 21st century progress. We are proud to offer 8 Programs of Study so our students can graduate with the knowledge. experience, and credentials to step into successful, respected, and promising careers after graduation.

Our Programs of Study include:

(1) Animal Science in partnership with Tarleton State University's Tarleton Today program

(2) Applied Agriculture Engineering

(3) Plant Science

(4) Business/Marketing/Finance

(5) Design/ Multimedia Arts

(6) Family Community Services

(7) Healthcare Diagnostics

(8) Teaching & Training

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a mandatory program to provide multi-tiered support to students who exhibit a deficit of academic skills. At Axtell ISD, w begin this process in the elementary grades in the areas of reading and math. Teachers, students, parents, work with administration and specialized instructors to determine if and when addition supports are needed for a students. Our goal is to identify and remedy academic deficits early in a student's school career, but there are times when supports carried over to a student's secondary school setting. A rigor mentoring and monitoring process is employed through three tiers of instruction.

Tier 1 Instruction- all students receive tier one instruction in a whole class environment.

Tier 2 Instruction- students who are identified as struggling with certain academic standards and/or skills received small group instruction either in class or with one of our trained teachers to improved performance on these standards.

Tier 3 Instruction- when a student is not successful with tier two strategies, he or she may receive individualize instruction out of the classroom. These students get a much narrower scope of standards and instruction to pinpoint specific causes of academic deficiences.

Each student is placed in a time-sensitive program that monitored weekly for appropriate decision making. A student can exit RtI services, remain in a 2nd or 3rd tier level, or be recommended for further examination throughout the duration of being in RtI.